Ideal worlds of Radiy Bohem

 Ideal worlds of Radiy Bohem

Today we want to introduce you to the contemporary artist Radiy Bohem, who works in mixed styles, including computer images. Some of his works you can see here:

Why is it worth highlighting him from the mass of other artists? His images are filled with pure beauty and kindness that affect our best feelings and find feedback, response from all positive people who miss positive emotions, positive emotions, pure feelings, unsullied aggression, and anger. His paintings, as it were, are taken from our best dreams - they leave the same pleasant feeling that is felt long after we wake up. Looking around, we again want to return to those dreams of ours. The same is with the paintings of Radiy Bohem - you want to look at them for a long time, and not return to the real world longer.

Radiy Bohem is a versatile artist and works in different directions. But in any direction, he manages to find that ideal, to which our soul strives and sensuously beautiful.

Let's take a look at a series of images related to the sea and the underwater world.

We see beautiful underwater worlds inhabited by beautiful fish, corals, and algae, often with images of mythical creatures. But these are not static pictures, but a reflection of life and small stories. Many objects interact with each other, participate in common events, or go about their own business. That is, the paintings are filled with life. They occupy our attention for a long time. The clarity and depth of the images are especially striking. Looking at these images, I feel like a resident of the underwater depths and surrounded by friends, cute, beautiful, often funny.

Radiy Bohem knows how to harmoniously weave into the general theme and unusual plots, which adds attractiveness and originality to his paintings. For example, two images are dedicated to the prehistoric underwater world, where you can meet not only the ancient inhabitants of the Earth but also representatives of alien civilizations, which causes a real storm of emotions. Often in the paintings of Radiy Bohem, there are mythical creatures, mermaids, and underwater gods.

Another series of images is related to alien life. Contrary to the generally accepted cliche, the inhabitants of other planets are not at all aggressive, but cute and pretty. With them, I want not to fight, but to be friends. This new look fills hearts with warmth and tenderness and this is an unusual and pleasant feeling. As many as 9 new fantastic planets, together with their cute inhabitants, open to our eyes. And these alien landscapes are fascinating, realistic, saturated with household items, housing, technology, and plants. (Illustrations from the book "How We Saved the Galaxy")

Now let's return to Earth and look at a series of images associated with parks and amazing earthly manicured landscapes, in which people relax, have fun, enjoy life. This is how we would like to see life outside our window and walk among these people, sculptures, flowers, and trees.

Some pictures from this series, made in retro style, send our memory to a joyful cloudless childhood and dear to our hearts pictures emerge from our memory, and a warm wave of nostalgia and memories covers.

The next group of images is dedicated to our house and yard. Here we can find things that we love or dream of. In any case, these pictures are dear to our hearts and there is a strong desire to be there even for a little while. Find yourself surrounded by cute things and in a calm, welcoming environment. Be a guest, touch things with your hands, heal emotional wounds, be filled with the safety and tranquility of a sweet home.

Another theme that Radiy Bohem does well is the theme of nature. Some kind of special feeling allows Radiy Bohem to convey the beauty of the world around us. It also allows us to experience and enjoy this beauty. Thanks to his images, the best feelings awaken in us and we become better and kinder. This gives us an incentive to change the world for the better and energy for action.


Radiy Bohem's paintings have another unusual property - the desire to share what he saw, to discuss with friends or girlfriends, to loudly express his emotions, the need to share his feelings with someone.

Another area in which Radius Boheme is by far the leader is the theme of prehistoric landscapes with dinosaurs. These paintings are used to decorate homes, design children's institutions, print puzzles and books. See for yourself and agree that you have not seen anything better.

Also worth noting is Radiy Bohem's extraordinary sense of humor. Almost all paintings are capable of evoking either a smile or laughter or loud laughter. It is the surge of positive emotions from each painting that distinguishes the works of Radiy Bohem from other artists.

Based on the paintings of Radiy Bohem, puzzles were created, which can be viewed here:

But a special and important achievement in the work of Radiy Bohem is the "USA Treasure Map" he created in March 2020. It is the finest creation of any US map and is a significant event in US cultural life.

This map shows in great detail and qualitatively the achievements of the United States and the existing values in the past and present. There are technical and scientific and human values. Using this map, you can not only study the history of the United States but also find reasons for admiration and pride in your country.

See here:    Click ZOOM and wait for the download in high definition.

Video collection of shocking images for puzzles and paintings for modern interior design


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